Special Happenings Archive
Note: Entries are in reverse order by date ... latest first
Sunday, March 18
8:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Pancake Breakfast
Fundraiser for the
National Christian Convention of the Deaf
hosted by the
Calumet Area Deaf Mission
Adult - $4.00
Child under 12 - $2.50
Family - $15.00
At Southside
Saturday, March 3 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Moody's Annual Men's Conference
in Chicago
A time to come together as Men of God for fellowship, learning and praise!
Speakers include:
Tony Evans, Howard Hencricks, Joe Stowell, Warren Wiersbe
$35 includes registration, continental breakfast, lunch (choose B) and parking
For more information,
More choices...
Read through the Bible
in the coming year
Choices . . . A new "Procrastinators Plan"
featuring built-in "skip" days
every week as well as simultaneous readings from
both the Old and New Testaments is now available
Or . . . The "Traditional Plan"
where there's a selection for every day
by clicking on either the
OLD or
NEW Testaments.
And finally, to round out your options, you
can have the Bible read TO you.
Various formats (plain narration or complete
with music and sound effects),
testaments (old and/or new),
translations (New International, Revised Standard,
Contemporary English, King James, or Spanish), and
media (cassettes or compact disk) are
available at a cost of from $22 to $167 (over $62 can
be paid in 6 monthly payments of from $12 to $31),
for an order blank which can be forwarded to the
church office.
Sunday Evenings 6:00 p.m.
Are you an evening "A" or "B" person?
Are you a sanctuarian or a librarian?
Are you a video buff or a memorizer?
The "A" people will be praising, worshipping, viewing a
video segment from the "Life and Ministry of Jesus",
and engaging in Bible-based discussions
every Sunday evening in February and March in the
The "B" people will be simultaneously praying, memorizing
scripture, reading assigned daily Bible passages, and
stretching their "spiritual muscles" in the library
The choice is yours...
just be sure to choose one!
Sunday Evenings 6:00 p.m.
Teen Teamwork!
Junior High and High School Youth
Bring a friend . . . join the Fun
Sunday Evenings 6:00 p.m.
Teen Teamwork!
Junior High and High School Youth
Bring a friend . . . join a team . . .
Drama? --
Create and perform skits and short dramas for
Sunday Morning Worship and youth events
Puppets? --
Work professional-sized puppets to teach Bible
Art and Graphics? --
Decorate church hallways with banners and murals
using Christian themes
Journalists/Computerites? --
Create a youth newsletter for distribution
via all means including the Internet
Sunday, February 4 6:00 p.m.
Are you an evening "A" or "B" person?
Are you a sanctuarian or a librarian?
Are you a video buff or a memorizer?
The "A" people will be praising, worshipping, viewing a
video segment from the "Life and Ministry of Jesus",
and engaging in Bible-based discussions
every Sunday evening in February and March in the
The "B" people will be simultaneously praying, memorizing
scripture, reading assigned daily Bible passages, and
stretching their "spiritual muscles" in the library
The choice is yours...
just be sure to choose one!
Sunday, January 14
9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services
Performing a mini-concert of original songs
Sunday, January 7
6:00 p.m.
Monday, January 1
Read through the Bible
in the coming year
Choices . . . A new "Procrastinators Plan"
featuring built-in "skip" days
every week as well as simultaneous readings from
both the Old and New Testaments is now available
Or . . . The "Traditional Plan"
where there's a selection for every day
in either the
OLD or
NEW Testaments.