Daily Bible Readings Through the NEW Testament in One Year |
1 -- Matthew 1: 2 -- Matthew 2: 3 -- Matthew 3: 4 -- Matthew 4: 5 -- Matthew 5:1-26 6 -- Matthew 5:27-48 7 -- Matthew 6:1-18 8 -- Matthew 6:19-34 9 -- Matthew 7: 10 -- Matthew 8:1-17 11 -- Matthew 8:18-34 12 -- Matthew 9:1-17 13 -- Matthew 9:18-34 14 -- Matthew 10:1-20 15 -- Matthew 10:21-42 16 -- Matthew 11: 17 -- Matthew 12:1-23 18 -- Matthew 12:24-30 19 -- Matthew 13:1-30 20 -- Matthew 13:31-58 21 -- Matthew 14:1-21 22 -- Matthew 14:22-36 23 -- Matthew 15:1-20 24 -- Matthew 15:21-39 25 -- Matthew 16: 26 -- Matthew 17: 27 -- Matthew 18:1-20 28 -- Matthew 18:21-35 29 -- Matthew 19: 30 -- Matthew 20:1-16 31 -- Matthew 20:17-34 |
1 -- Matthew 21:1-22 2 -- Matthew 21:23-46 3 -- Matthew 22:1-22 4 -- Matthew 22:23-46 5 -- Matthew 23:1-22 6 -- Matthew 23:23-39 7 -- Matthew 24:1-28 8 -- Matthew 24:29-51 9 -- Matthew 25:1-30 10 -- Matthew 25:31-46 11 -- Matthew 26:1-25 12 -- Matthew 26:26-50 13 -- Matthew 26:51-75 14 -- Matthew 27:1-26 15 -- Matthew 27:27-50 16 -- Matthew 27:51-66 17 -- Matthew 28: 18 -- Mark 1:1-22 19 -- Mark 1:23-45 20 -- Mark 2: 21 -- Mark 3:1-19 22 -- Mark 3:20-35 23 -- Mark 4:1-20 24 -- Mark 4:21-41 25 -- Mark 5:1-20 26 -- Mark 5:21-43 27 -- Mark 6:1-29 28 -- Mark 6:30-56 29 -- Mark 7:1-13 |
1 -- Mark 7:14-37 2 -- Mark 8:1-21 3 -- Mark 8:22-38 4 -- Mark 9:1-29 5 -- Mark 9:30-50 6 -- Mark 10:1-31 7 -- Mark 10:32-52 8 -- Mark 11:1-8 9 -- Mark 11:19-33 10 -- Mark 12:1-27 11 -- Mark 12:28-44 12 -- Mark 13:1-20 13 -- Mark 13:21-37 14 -- Mark 14:1-26 15 -- Mark 14:27-53 16 -- Mark 14:54-72 17 -- Mark 15:1-26 18 -- Mark 15:27-47 19 -- Mark 16: 20 -- Luke 1:1-20 21 -- Luke 1:21-38 22 -- Luke 1:39-56 23 -- Luke 1:57-80 24 -- Luke 2:1-24 25 -- Luke 2:23-52 26 -- Luke 3: 27 -- Luke 4:1-30 28 -- Luke 4:31-44 29 -- Luke 5:1-16 30 -- Luke 5:17-39 31 -- Luke 6:1-26 |
1 -- Luke 6:27-49 2 -- Luke 7:1-30 3 -- Luke 7:31-50 4 -- Luke 8:1-25 5 -- Luke 8:26-56 6 -- Luke 9:1-17 7 -- Luke 9:18-36 8 -- Luke 9:37-62 9 -- Luke 10:1-24 10 -- Luke 10:25-42 11 -- Luke 11:1-28 12 -- Luke 11:29-54 13 -- Luke 12:1-31 14 -- Luke 12:32-59 15 -- Luke 13:1-22 16 -- Luke 13:23-35 17 -- Luke 14:1-24 18 -- Luke 14:25-35 19 -- Luke 15:1-10 20 -- Luke 15:11-32 21 -- Luke 16: 22 -- Luke 17:1-19 23 -- Luke 17:20-37 24 -- Luke 18:1-23 25 -- Luke 18:24-43 26 -- Luke 19:1-27 27 -- Luke 19:28-48 28 -- Luke 20:1-26 29 -- Luke 20:27-47 30 -- Luke 21:1-19 |
1 -- Luke 21:20-38 2 -- Luke 22:1-20 3 -- Luke 22:21-46 4 -- Luke 22:47-71 5 -- Luke 23:1-25 6 -- Luke 23:26-56 7 -- Luke 24:1-35 8 -- Luke 24:36-53 9 -- John 1:1-28 10 -- John 1:29-31 11 -- John 2: 12 -- John 3:1-18 13 -- John 3:19-36 14 -- John 4:1-30 15 -- John 4:31-54 16 -- John 5:1-24 17 -- John 5:25-47 18 -- John 6:1-21 19 -- John 6:22-44 20 -- John 6:45-71 21 -- John 7:1-27 22 -- John 7:28-53 23 -- John 8:1-27 24 -- John 28:28-59 25 -- John 9:1-23 26 -- John 9:24-41 27 -- John 10:1-23 28 -- John 10:24-42 29 -- John 11:1-29 30 -- John 11:30-57 31 -- John 12:1-26 |
1 -- John 12:27-50 2 -- John 13:1-20 3 -- John 13:21-38 4 -- John 14: 5 -- John 15: 6 -- John 16: 7 -- John 17: 8 -- John 18:1-18 9 -- John 18:19-40 10 -- John 19:1-22 11 -- John 19:23-42 12 -- John 20: 13 -- John 21: 14 -- Acts 1: 15 -- Acts 2:1-21 16 -- Acts 2:22-47 17 -- Acts 3: 18 -- Acts 4:1-22 19 -- Acts 4:23-37 20 -- Acts 5:1-21 21 -- Acts 5:22-41 22 -- Acts 6: 23 -- Acts 7:1-21 24 -- Acts 7:22-43 25 -- Acts 7:44-60 26 -- Acts 8:1-25 27 -- Acts 8:26-40 28 -- Acts 9:1-21 29 -- Acts 9:22-43 30 -- Acts 10:1-23 |
1 -- Acts 10:24-48 2 -- Acts 11: 3 -- Acts 12: 4 -- Acts 13:1-25 5 -- Acts 13:26-52 6 -- Acts 14: 7 -- Acts 15:1-21 8 -- Acts 15:22-41 9 -- Acts 16:1-21 10 -- Acts 16:22-40 11 -- Acts 17:1-15 12 -- Acts 17:16-34 13 -- Acts 18: 14 -- Acts 19:1-20 15 -- Acts 19:21-41 16 -- Acts 20:1-16 17 -- Acts 20:17-38 18 -- Acts 21:1-17 19 -- Acts 21:18-40 20 -- Acts 22: 21 -- Acts 23:1-15 22 -- Acts 23:16-35 23 -- Acts 24: 24 -- Acts 25: 25 -- Acts 26: 26 -- Acts 27:1-26 27 -- Acts 27:27-44 28 -- Acts 28: 29 -- Romans 1: 30 -- Romans 2: 31 -- Romans 3: |
1 -- Romans 4: 2 -- Romans 5: 3 -- Romans 6: 4 -- Romans 7: 5 -- Romans 8:1-21 6 -- Romans 8:22-39 7 -- Romans 9:1-15 8 -- Romans 9:16-33 9 -- Romans 10: 10 -- Romans 11:1-18 11 -- Romans 11:19-36 12 -- Romans 12: 13 -- Romans 13: 14 -- Romans 14: 15 -- Romans 15:1-13 16 -- Romans 15:14-33 17 -- Romans 16: 18 -- I Corinthians 1: 19 -- I Corinthians 2: 20 -- I Corinthians 3: 21 -- I Corinthians 4: 22 -- I Corinthians 5: 23 -- I Corinthians 6: 24 -- I Corinthians 7:1-19 25 -- I Corinthians 7:20-40 26 -- I Corinthians 8: 27 -- I Corinthians 9: 28 -- I Corinthians 10:1-18 29 -- I Corinthians 10:19-33 30 -- I Corinthians 11:1-16 31 -- I Corinthians 11:17-34 |
1 -- I Corinthians 12: 2 -- I Corinthians 13: 3 -- I Corinthians 14:1-20 4 -- I Corinthians 14:21-40 5 -- I Corinthians 15:1-28 6 -- I Corinthians 15:29-58 7 -- I Corinthians 16: 8 -- II Corinthians 1: 9 -- II Corinthians 2: 10 -- II Corinthians 3: 11 -- II Corinthians 4: 12 -- II Corinthians 5: 13 -- II Corinthians 6: 14 -- II Corinthians 7: 15 -- II Corinthians 8: 16 -- II Corinthians 9: 17 -- II Corinthians 10: 18 -- II Corinthians 11:1-15 19 -- II Corinthians 11:16-33 20 -- II Corinthians 12: 21 -- II Corinthians 13: 22 -- Galatians 1: 23 -- Galatians 2: 24 -- Galatians 3: 25 -- Galatians 4: 26 -- Galatians 5: 27 -- Galatians 6: 28 -- Ephesians 1: 29 -- Ephesians 2: 30 -- Ephesians 3: |
1 -- Ephesians 4: 2 -- Ephesians 5:1-16 3 -- Ephesians 5:17-33 4 -- Ephesians 6: 5 -- Philippians 1: 6 -- Philippians 2: 7 -- Philippians 3: 8 -- Philippians 4: 9 -- Colossians 1: 10 -- Colossians 2: 11 -- Colossians 3: 12 -- Colossians 4: 13 -- I Thessalonians 1: 14 -- I Thessalonians 2: 15 -- I Thessalonians 3: 16 -- I Thessalonians 4: 17 -- I Thessalonians 5: 18 -- II Thessalonians 1: 19 -- II Thessalonians 2: 20 -- II Thessalonians 3: 21 -- I Timothy 1: 22 -- I Timothy 2: 23 -- I Timothy 3: 24 -- I Timothy 4: 25 -- I Timothy 5: 26 -- I Timothy 6: 27 -- II Timothy 1: 28 -- II Timothy 2: 29 -- II Timothy 3: 30 -- II Timothy 4: 31 -- Titus 1: |
1 -- Titus 2: 2 -- Titus 3: 3 -- Philemon 1: 4 -- Hebrews 1: 5 -- Hebrews 2: 6 -- Hebrews 3: 7 -- Hebrews 4: 8 -- Hebrews 5: 9 -- Hebrews 6: 10 -- Hebrews 7: 11 -- Hebrews 8: 12 -- Hebrews 9: 13 -- Hebrews 10:1-18 14 -- Hebrews 10:19-39 15 -- Hebrews 11:1-19 16 -- Hebrews 11:20-40 17 -- Hebrews 12: 18 -- Hebrews 13: 19 -- James 1: 20 -- James 2: 21 -- James 3: 22 -- James 4: 23 -- James 5: 24 -- I Peter 1: 25 -- I Peter 2: 26 -- I Peter 3: 27 -- I Peter 4: 28 -- I Peter 5: 29 -- II Peter 1: 30 -- II Peter 2: |
1 -- III Peter 3: 2 -- I John 1: 3 -- I John 2: 4 -- I John 3: 5 -- I John 4: 6 -- I John 5: 7 -- II John 1: 8 -- III John 1: 9 -- Jude 1: 10 -- Revelation 1: 11 -- Revelation 2: 12 -- Revelation 3: 13 -- Revelation 4: 14 -- Revelation 5: 15 -- Revelation 6: 16 -- Revelation 7: 17 -- Revelation 8: 18 -- Revelation 9: 19 -- Revelation 10: 20 -- Revelation 11: 21 -- Revelation 12: 22 -- Revelation 13: 23 -- Revelation 14: 24 -- Revelation 15: 25 -- Revelation 16: 26 -- Revelation 17: 27 -- Revelation 18: 28 -- Revelation 19: 29 -- Revelation 20: 30 -- Revelation 21: 31 -- Revelation 22: |
South Side Christian Church 1000 Broadmoor Avenue ... Munster, Indiana Click here to contact us |